National Financial Services LLC
National Financial Services (NFS LLC) is a Fidelity® Investments Company and recognized industry leader for clearing and technological innovation. National Financial Services is part of the Institutional Brokerage Group of Fidelity® Investments, the third largest correspondent clearing firm in the United States and generates approximately 4% to 7% of the daily volume on the NYSE. As a representative of Cantella, you have the ability to carry your accounts at National Financial Services.

Pershing LLC
Pershing LLC , a BNY Securities Group Co., and Subsidiary of Bank of New York Co, Inc. is the world's largest provider of brokerage services to independent investment professionals. Offering technologies and financial solutions that give independent investment professionals the freedom of choice they need to do what is right for their clients. Pershing employs a team consisting of more than 4,100 experienced people who are highly focused on supporting your needs. Pershing LLC is a member of BNY Securities Group and a subsidiary of The Bank of New York, which has branches located in 29 countries and offers support of nearly 23,000 professionals worldwide.

Raymond James
Raymond James Financial is one of the largest financial services firms in the United States with more than 1900 locations coast to coast. Their stock trades publicly on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol, RJF. Cantella & Co., Inc. is a correspondent firm with the ability to carry accounts with Raymond James.